Dependency Injection

In general, there are only three ways an object can get a hold of its dependencies:

  1. We can create it internally to the dependent.
  2. We can look it up or refer to it as a global variable.
  3. We can pass it in where it’s needed.

With dependency injection, we’re tackling the third way (the other two present other difficult challenges, such as dirtying the global scope and making isolation nearly impossible). Dependency injection is a design pattern that allows for the removal of hard-coded dependencies, thus making it possible to remove or change them at run time.

This ability to modify dependencies at run time allows us to create isolated environments that are ideal for testing. We can replace real objects in production environments with mocked ones for testing environments.

Functionally, the pattern injects depended-upon resources into the destination when needed by automatically looking up the dependency in advance and providing the destination for the dependency.

As we write components dependent upon other objects or libraries, we will describe its dependencies. At run time, an injector will create instances of the dependencies and pass them along to the dependent consumer.

// Great example from the Angular docs
function SomeClass(greeter) {
  this.greeter = greeter;
SomeClass.prototype.greetName = function(name) {

It is never a good idea to create a controller on the global scope like we’ve done in the sample code above. In fact, in AngularJS 1.3 and above, Angular does not allow you to define controllers by using functions on the global namespace. In 1.3 and above you must use the .controller function.

At runtime, the SomeClass doesn’t care how it gets the greeter dependency, so long as it gets it. In order to get that greeter instance into SomeClass, the creator of SomeClass is responsible for passing in the SomeClass dependencies when it’s created.

Angular uses the $injector for managing lookups and instantiation of dependencies for this reason. In fact, the $injector is responsible for handling all instantiations of our Angular components, including our app modules, directives, controllers, etc.

When any of our modules boot up at run time, the injector is responsible for actually instantiating the instance of the object and passing in any of its required dependencies.

For instance, this simple app declares a single module and a single controller, like so:

angular.module('myApp', [])
.factory('greeter', function() {
  return {
    greet: function(msg) { alert(msg); }
  function($scope, greeter) {
    $scope.sayHello = function() {

At run time, when Angular instantiates the instance of our module, it looks up the greeter and simply passes it in naturally:

<div ng-app="myApp">
  <div ng-controller="MyController">
    <button ng-click="sayHello()">Hello</button>

Behind the scenes, the Angular process looks like:

// Load the app with the injector
var injector = angular.injector(['ng', 'myApp']);
// Load the $controller service with the injector
var $controller = injector.get('$controller');
var scope = injector.get('$rootScope').$new();
// Load the controller, passing in a scope
// which is how angular does it at runtime
var MyController = $controller('MyController', {$scope: scope})

Nowhere in the above example did we describe how to find the greeter; it simply works, as the injector takes care of finding and loading it for us.

AngularJS uses an annotate function to pull properties off of the passed-in array during instantiation. You can view this function by typing the following in the Chrome developer tools:

> injector.annotate(function($q, greeter) {})
["$q", "greeter"]

In every Angular app, the $injector has been at work, whether we know it or not. When we write a controller without the [] bracket notation or through explicitly setting them, the $injector will infer the dependencies based on the name of the arguments.

Annotation by Inference

Angular assumes that the function parameter names are the names of the dependencies, if not otherwise specified. Thus, it will call toString() on the function, parse and extract the function arguments, and then use the $injector to inject these arguments into the instantiation of the object.

The injection process looks like:

injector.invoke(function($http, greeter) {});

Note that this process will only work with non-minified, non-obfuscated code, as Angular needs to parse the arguments intact.

With this JavaScript inference, order is not important: Angular will figure it out for us and inject the right properties in the “right” order.

JavaScript minifiers generally change function arguments to the minimum number of characters (along with changing white spaces, removing new lines and comments, etc.) so as to reduce the ultimate file size of the JavaScript files. If we do not explicitly describe the arguments, Angular will not be able to infer the arguments and thus the required injectable.

Explicit Annotation

Angular provides a method for us to explicitly define the dependencies that a function needs upon invocation. This method allows for minifiers to rename the function parameters and still be able to inject the proper services into the function.

The injection process uses the $inject property to annotation the function. The $inject property of a function is an array of service names to inject as dependencies.

To use the $inject property method, we set it on the function or name.

var aControllerFactory = 
  function aController($scope, greeter) {
    console.log("LOADED controller", greeter);
    // ... Controller
aControllerFactory.$inject = ['$scope', 'greeter'];
// Greeter service
var greeterService = function() {
  console.log("greeter service");
// Our app controller
angular.module('myApp', [])
  .controller('MyController', aControllerFactory)
  .factory('greeter', greeterService);
// Grab the injector and create a new scope
var injector  = angular.injector(['ng', 'myApp']),
  controller  = injector.get('$controller'),
  rootScope   = injector.get('$rootScope'),
  newScope    = rootScope.$new();
// Invoke the controller
controller('MyController', {$scope: newScope});

With this annotation style, order is important, as the $inject array must match the ordering of the arguments to inject. This method of injection does work with minification, because the annotation information will be packaged with the function.

Inline Annotation

The last method of annotation that Angular provides out of the box is the inline annotation. This syntactic sugar works the same way as the $inject method of annotation from above, but allows us to make the arguments inline in the function definition. Additionally it affords us the ability to not use a temporary variable in the definition.

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